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I am so happy that you are here! My name is Pixi (No it’s not Pixel) — think of camera pixels, yes that! And as for the Pie.. well what can I say.. I love me some pie lol


But in all seriousness, I named my business so because my husband called me Pixel Pie the first time we met back in 2008. And I thought it was simple and fun. And that’s exactly what I wanted my business to be perceived as — simple, fun and relaxed. 


Looking back, I was always that friend at special occasions or weddings using my small digital camera to capture photos for my loved ones. A hobby and passion of Photography led me to officially becoming an entrepreneur in 2019, and thus opening my studio here in Cloverdale (Surrey), BC.


Today, I am ever so grateful (along with the help of my amazing assistant) to have done the same for my 1000+ clients that have trusted me to capture those special moments of life which are often left only in our memories. 

That is what I do: freeze time for you. So you can proudly share this with all your future generations to come. 


I invite you to join me on this journey. To take out time to pause in the current phase of your life but also remember to have fun. Yes, there will be photos clicked during the session but you will forget about that camera when you join my world of imagination. 


With all the safety training, the tricks up my sleeve to distract the little kids (while raising 2 of my own), the “normal” conversations to have with teenagers, and the empathy to understand your anxiousness and the excitement — this is bound to be a joyful ride!  And does it all end there? Well, you get to relax and leave the rest to me, delivering the best results to you! 

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Knowing first hand how special this moment is, and how nervous you may feel, my mission is to make you comfortable and be true to yourself. 

I’m ready with my camera for any of your life's key moments! All my focus is on you. It’s all about raw emotions, having fun, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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